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Johnson making mark as new Athletic Director

By Alena & Leyli

Greg Johnson is a first year athletic director at West Florence and he is making his mark here at the Castle with his presence at sporting events, his weekly videos, and just all around hands-on approach. He taught for 10 years before moving to administration. He is also a former football coach. As athletic director, he is also available to help in any assistant principal duties as well.

Why did he decide to work in education?

“I chose this profession because I love kids and I want to spend more time with them. Also I love football and there is no better way to do it than being a football coach,” Johnson said.

Johnson said his parents are teachers and they were his role models to become a good teacher like they are.

During his career Johnson has faced a lot of challenges. The most common problem he has faced is apathetic students and encouraging them to study.

Like any athletic director Johnson has goals for this year, for the school and for students.

“Our biggest goal is improving high school experience,” he said.

Johnson was born in Sumter, SC and has been living in Florence for the ten years. He has worked at Conway HS, Sumter HS and Darlington HS. This is his second time at WF.

Johnson is happily married and has two kids - a 3 year old girl and a 1.5 years old boy. He is a big fan of football. He has a very busy schedule, but in spite of it, he tries to spend his time with family. Johnson is one Knight who is making it work!

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