Savanna Edwards: Show up and work hard!

Savanna Edwards is another one WF’s new staff members. As a first year teacher she has found the biggest challenge is getter taken seriously.
As a physical science teacher Edwards enjoys exposing her students to new ideas and concepts, as well as teaching them about the world around them.
Edwards said she can’t see herself doing anything besides teaching. She knew she wanted to be a teacher while working as a shadow for young autistic children. Edwards fell in love with teaching and the school atmosphere.
Edward’s class is suitable for all learning styles. She tries to use different techniques that are used to help kids learn. Edwards also said her class is more notes based but she accommodates to different types of notes instead of making her students all write the same type of notes. One the note taking strategies she uses is doodle notes. She also includes a few projects or labs.
So far Edwards favorite thing about West is the people, especially the welcoming staff. Many of the staff members call her “baby teacher” because she’s so young.
If Edwards could change one thing about the school’s policies it would be limiting cell phone usage to educational purposes only.
Outside of school Edwards enjoys watching baseball, her favorite team being the Braves. She also likes to travel. Edwards had already visited Spain, Germany, and Italy. In the future she would like to explore the Mediterranean and other parts of Europe.
A piece of advice Edwards would give to her future students is: “Show up and work hard.”