AP James McCall: all about team

Assistant Principals serve in administrative positions working with teachers and other administrators to run the school. They manage school safety, among many other duties. New AP James McCall is a great example of setting goals and striving for students to do better.
Since he was younger, McCall said he always worked to have a big impact on people's lives. He has served for seven years of administration, and this year at West Florence marks his eighth year.
“I strive to be a servant leader, ” Mc Call said. He said he tries to help kids and teachers improve by giving them resources and guidance.
McCall said he was the only kid to graduate from his neighborhood, which made him strive harder to set better examples.
McCall’s inspiration is his mother. He said his mom made sacrifices for him to be where he is now.
According to McCall, his biggest achievement in his life was coming this far in administration and being a dad of two kids. McCall is setting great examples for his boys, who are nine and six. He said being a parent has helped him deal with challenging parent situations as an administrator.
“[I] just handle it and do right by the kids as if they were my own,” McCall said.
During the pandemic McCall said he learned the importance of connections and bonds.

Five years in the future McCall said he still wants to be in administration working with teachers, making a great team.
“A thriving team has open and honest discussions, and sharing of their thoughts, ideas and opinions,” said McCall.
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