As APEX instructor, Miller invested in student learning

“I love seeing progress and watching my students succeed.”
This is what new West Florence APEX teacher Kimberly Miller enjoys most about teaching. Miller is extremely passionate about education and education reform. She loves being a mentor and seeing success in the classroom.
In Miller’s past job, she taught prisoners in California. She said found it hard to sometimes remain objective, and continue to be professional at the same time.
“The greatest challenge I have faced was setting aside judgement and focusing on rehabilitation while teaching at the prisons in California,” she said.
One of her many passions even includes minimizing the school to prison pipeline. She is excited to be working with high school students here at WF.
“My teaching position does come easily, though there is alot of work,” Miller said.
Miller recently moved to the Florence area at the beginning of the school year. She has three children; Caydence (1 year old), Ayden (4 years old), and Kaitlyn (17 years old). A few of Miller’s

hobbies include horseback riding, gardening, and building miniatures. In the future, she hopes to explore new places.
Miller takes pleasure in her job, despite the larger amount of work it may bring. Miller enjoys working at West Florence High School, and is also open to an administrative job. She said one of her greatest weaknesses for her position is having to take certain things home to complete them. She describes herself as productive, engaged, and a multi-tasker. Miller worked with another APEX program in her previous school, and the experience she gained there now allows her to focus on her position here at West Florence High School.