Falletti: Teamwork brings progress
“I have always been good at it!” Brianna Falletti said about being in the healthcare field. Falletti, a PMD assistant here at West Florence High School, said that she is good at healthcare and always has had a passion for it.

Falletti said that the biggest aspect that she likes about working at WF is...everything, especially the kids! She feels really proud of and successful with her job here at WF.
Before coming to WF, Falletti said she worked at pet shops, other medical fields and residencies. Like many other educators, she said much of she does outside of school is “work."
Falletti does have a personal life, though.
“I am married,” said Falletti. “One of the best parts about being married is growth and that you have someone that understands you.” In her free time, she spends time with her husband.
Working with PMD students requires both independence and teamwork.
“To be independent, it means to rely on yourself, ”she said. She said, to be a team player, it means to be someone that people have faith in.
“One of the things that motivates me is being able to see progress”, said Falleyti. Falletti said that something that comes easy to her is caring.
Falleti said her biggest fear is of heights or falling. Her role model is her dad. The types of music she listens to are rock and classical.
The PMD class is lucky to have such a caring person on their team. If you see Falletti when you are on V-Hall, give her a smile and a welcome to WF!