Winter shares love of language

Mrs. Katrina Winter came to West Florence last January to teach Spanish to those who enjoy learning new languages. She previously taught in Lake City and Johnsonville, as well as here at WF several years ago.
Winter said she plans to continue teaching Spanish as long as she is able to. Being a Spanish teacher wasn't her first interest; in the beginning she wanted to have another job but she chose Spanish because it was a way she felt as if she is helping with a start or beginning for her students.
What experiences has Winter had that have stuck with her as memorable?
“The experience of giving birth to all of my children,”she said. She tried to contemplate between choosing one thing but apparently she enjoyed all of the experiences of giving birth to her children and seeing the bright, innocent faces.
While she loves hiking, she also enjoys traveling, her garden, and the presences of her children (all six of them). Winter has made great accomplishments such as raising 6 brilliant, inspiring children, including one of the smartest kids one could ever meet. Her son was teaching her and her family history or knowledge that no 6 year old should know. He managed to know all of that starting at the age of 6 and still is a very successful and smart child.
Spain, the Bahamas and a quiet cabin in the mountains were the first choices on Winter’s traveling list. While she has already been to Yosemite, Spain was the first on the list. She said she would like to have a nice vacation or just spend some time exploring somewhere as bright and beautiful as the Bahamas. She explained that she would not enjoy having to live by a lot of noise such as NYC so she would like to try a cabin in the mountains, but not too far away from society.
Winter said that she trusts herself more than anyone else because she knows what needs to be specifically done for her and knows that she will get it done if needed. She even said that one time she had to learn how to fix a pipe in her house because the person that was going to do it, wouldn't get it done on time.
Winter finds laying in bed her comforting place, just as any person would, but if she had to choose, hiking in her free time is a certified comfort zone for her. Winter sees her “color” as yellow because of how bubbly she is and how she tries to see how bright the world is in any situation.