Wonderful teachers of West: Benjamin always there for students
What's it like teaching exceptional education students? That's one of the questions Nikki Benjamin faced when going into the start of her job at West Florence High School teaching her wonderful exceptional education students.
Benjamin had just gotten out of college and was in search of a job. She ended up getting a call from a good friend asking if she wanted a teaching position at West and from there on her career began.
As of now she's been working here for 16 years. West Florence happens to be the only school she has taught at as well. Being a teacher requires a lot of hard work and determination in helping students learn but another way that she looks at it for her students is just being another mother figure for them.
“I'm just myself and treat these students like they are my kids,” said Benjamin about her style with the students.
Benjamin is just one of the many loving and hearted teachers at West; she enjoys touching other students' hearts and helping her kids accomplish school goals. Although her students are normally well behaved she has a serious mode and will discipline a student if needed too. Ms. Benjamin said that, “ tardies are the main problem for her students.”
A normal day for everybody in her class would look like her preparing google assignments for my virtual and in person students.
“ It doesn't normally take long to plan an assignment because A day and B day are just repeated lessons,” said Benjamin. Benjamin doesn't have a lot of students to keep track of as of this semester so it's easier to help her students learn.
Overall, Nikki Benjamin is here for the students, not just helping them learn and reach their goals, but to be there for them as a person.